Partial Closure of Big Bend Ranch State Park Runs Aug. 9-16 for Wildlife Surveys
TERLINGUA— The interior of the Big Bend Ranch State Park Complex will be closed for the safety of park visitors during wildlife surveys Aug. 9 – 16. During the surveys, staff will be counting desert bighorn sheep by helicopter and performing the lethal removal of non-native aoudad (barbary sheep) when encountered.
Aoudad compete heavily for resources with the bighorn sheep and other native species and have the potential to transmit diseases to the sheep. Control of this invasive species is needed to protect the park’s native plants and animals as well as springs and other water resources that animals depend upon.
The Barton Warnock Visitor Center (east entrance) and Fort Leaton State Historic Site (west entrance) will remain open during these surveys. Please note that the rooms of the fort are open for touring, but exhibits are closed. Park facilities, campgrounds, river access and trails south of FM170 (River Road), and The Contrabando Trail System, are open.
Information about bighorn sheep can be found on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website.