About the September 2024 Cover

About the September 2024 Cover

“Watch Your Back”

J. (Ralph) McDonald is one of our countries most highly respected artists. He has made his artistic mark with paintings of Santa Claus and other Christmas related images.

He also is highly regarded for his wildlife and sporting art.  Many times recognized by Ducks Unlimited, plus numerous notable collectors, some favorites include youngsters just learning or experiencing the outdoors at a young age.

Such is this month’s featured cover art entitled, “Watch Your Back.”  An aspiring dove hunter looks to be in prefect position, in amongst a planted sunflower field.  The youngster has his four-legged hunting buddy to find and retrieve downed palomas, plus is there to offer companionship.

Early in the afternoon, before birds really start flying it’s easy to lose focus.  Then it happens.  Just as the retriever looks for some affection, a flight of dove comes in from the hunter’s blindside.  It’s happened to all of us regardless of how many years afield we’ve accumulated.  When hunting dove, keep your head on a swivel and remember, “Watch Your Back.”

For more information on “Watch Your Back” and other fine works of art by Ralph J. McDonald, visit www.countrysidestudio.com, or call (615) 767-4480. — Bill L. Olson

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