Elite Redfish Series Tournament Heads to Port Aransas
The 2016 Elite Redfish Series Tournament, sponsored in part by the Port Aransas Chamber of Commerce and Tourist Bureau, will be held in Port Aransas, Texas on May 18-21.
This three day event features professional anglers, competing head to head, one per boat to see who will reel in the heaviest catch. This live weigh in allows for no more than three redfish per angler per day meeting Texas size regulations. The live fish will be placed in a tank and released after the weigh in is complete. The winner of the tournament will receive a boat, motor and trailer.
Wednesday, May 18 will kick off the event with a captain’s meeting. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the teams will weigh in at the Dennis Dreyer Municipal Harbor in Port Aransas at 3:00 p.m. Saturday’s competition includes only the top seven anglers from the prior two days. One of the Discovery Channel’s family of networks, Destination America will air the event in a full, one hour feature episode beginning in July.
“It’s going to be an exciting week to be in Port Aransas,” said Ann Bracher Vaughan, President and CEO of the Port Aransas Chamber of Commerce and Tourist Bureau. “We invite everyone to come out and watch the daily weigh ins and meet the tournament’s pros.”
To find out more about the Elite Redfish Series Tournament visit http://theredfishseries.com/port-aransas-magic-on-mustang-island/
For listings of accommodations, restaurants, shopping and a myriad of “island-style” activities visit www.portaransas.org or call 800-45-COAST.