Lyme disease: New estimates from CDC reveal estimated 300,000 cases per year vs. previously reported
Lyme disease has now become one of the fastest growing epidemics to date. Why the alarming increase? Revised numbers from the CDC reflect that they have been under reporting Lyme disease. Instead of the 30,000 cases a year previously reported, the CDC has now issued a statement that the numbers are more in the range of 300,000 cases a year. 96% of these cases were reported from 13 states. CDC Lyme Statistics: http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/stats/
According to the CDC, Lyme disease is now the most commonly reported vector-borne illness in the United States, and that the new estimate suggests that the total number of people diagnosed with Lyme disease is roughly 10 times higher than the yearly reported number.
Dr. Tom Mather, the TickGuy at the University of Rhode Island TickEncounter Resource Center is hearing from people across most of the USA that all types of ticks seem to be more abundant than in the past.
Here are some helpful tick bite-prevention strategies to keep you, your family and pet protected:
Tips Courtesy of www.tickencounter.org
1.) YOUR YARD: Blacklegged ticks that carry Lyme disease are not out in the middle of your lawn, they live where yards border wooded areas, or anywhere it is shaded and there are leaves with high humidity. Place a layer of wood chips between your grass yard and the woods edge. The “barrier” serves to remind you when you step from tick-safer to tick-dangerous habitat.
2.) TICK CHECKS: Do at least one full-body tick check daily (on yourself, children and pets) with clothes off…and carefully remove and identify any ticks found. (Wear light colored clothing so ticks are easier to find.)
3.) OUTDOOR PURSUITS: When on a hike, bike, or walk try to remain in the center of a trail in order to minimize your exposure. Remember – ticks cannot fly, they crawl up. Avoid sitting directly on the ground, woodpiles or fallen logs – areas where ticks love to live.
4.) PERSONAL PROTECTION: Wear tick repellent clothing. Insect Shield repellent apparel is EPA registered to repel ticks (as well as a variety of other pesky and potentially dangerous insects.) The repellency is odorless, invisible and long-lasting. Insect Shield apparel is available for adults, kids and even your dog. http://www.insectshield.com
Think tick season is over? Think again. Here are five ticks to watch out for the Fall