Sabine’s Hottest Fall Bite

Sabine’s Hottest Fall Bite

Chase birds over reds and trout, but go after ‘em the right way.

Story and photography by Robert Sloan

I’ve been fishing on Sabine Lake for over two decades and can guarantee you that fishing under the birds for trout and reds during October and November is some of, if not the best, that you’ll find anywhere along the entire Gulf Coast. And yes, that does include Lake Calcasieu and East Galveston Bay. When it comes to numbers of fish, solid keepers, Sabine is tough to beat. However, there is always a glitch when it comes to chasing birds anywhere you can find them – idiot anglers.
Last fall I was on Sabine with two buddies and the fishing was incredible. Huge flocks of birds were everywhere, and big time numbers of trout and reds were feeding under them like there was no tomorrow. What’s even better is that it was the middle of the week – which translates into very little boat traffic. So there we were boxing big fish and having a blast – then it happened. There were probably a dozen boats on the water that day. And mixed in with them was one complete idiot.
We lost our fish on one flock of gulls and had just set up on another bunch and all three of us stuck solid trout – fish in the 3 to 4 pound class. We were high fiving and having a blast when out of nowhere here comes a moron, with his son and grandson. He comes plowing right through the middle of the birds, in a blue and white boat, cuts the engine, jumps up and starts fishing. I just about blew a gasket.
“Hey, do you not see us fishing!” I yelled in amazement. “Out of all the birds on this lake you have to barge in here and screw up everything.”
He bowed up, looked me square in the eye and dropped the F bomb. His son and grandson never lifted their heads. They were embarrassed and rightfully so. Sadly that’s not an isolated incident. It happens just about every day, throughout the year on Texas bays. But it’s especially common when anglers get all pumped up about catching fish under the birds.
I can understand getting excited, but being dumber than a rock is, well, inexcusable.

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