TPWD Congratulates 2017 Whiz Bang Sporting Clays Finalists
SAN ANTONIO – The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, in cooperation with Texas 4-H Shooting Sports, recognized finalists in this year’s Whiz Bang sporting clays competition at the National Shooting Complex here recently.
The 20 finalists represent 14 Texas counties, advancing from a field of over 1,000 clay target shooters who competed throughout the 4-H year in 42 Whiz Bang matches held across the state. The finals are held in conjunction with the National Sporting Clays Association’s National Championship each year.
4-H Shooting Sports is one of the largest 4-H projects in Texas and is open to youth from 3rd to 12th grades. The Whiz Bang program is one aspect of the shotgun program that emulates hunting and teaches safety, hunting skills, sportsmanship and leadership development.
Whiz Bang Finalists for 2017 are:
Juniors (Grades 3-5):
1st Place Matthew Young, Cherokee County
2nd Place John Cantu, Victoria County
3rd Place Chance Hehman, Frio County
4th Place Matthew Hada, Andrews County
5th Place Chase Hunter, Comal County
Intermediates (Grades 6-8):
1st Place Carson Childress, Crockett County
2nd Place Logan Lotz, Chambers County
3rd Place John Snider, Cherokee County
4th Place Ty Hehman, Frio County
5th Place Angelina Garza, Harris County, Spring 4-H
Senior 1 (Grades 9-10):
1st Place Jett Thompson, Tom Green County
2nd Place Trey Birkner, Montgomery County
3rd Place Trent Allen, Guadalupe County
4th Place Cade Vinson, Tom Green County
5th Place Hunter Barnes, Taylor County
Senior 2 (Grades 11-12):
1st Place Jorge Garza, Harris County, Spring 4-H
2nd Place Cody Hada, Andrews County
3rd Place Grant Kolajajck, Harris County, Crosby 4-H
4th Place Greg Garrett, Tom Green County
5th Place Tyler Birkner, Montgomery County
TPWD also sponsors the Texas Agriculture Science Clay Target Shooting program for Texas FFA members in high school who have been enrolled or are currently enrolled in Wildlife, Fisheries and Ecology Management.
For more information about TPWD shooting sports programs contact Morgan Harbison, TPWD Hunter Education Specialist, Mobile Range Coordinator