A Texas Legacy — Dove Hunting

A Texas Legacy — Dove Hunting

Passed on for generations it is where many began their hunting careers and has become a most anticipated season opener.

 Story and photography by Bob Zaiglin

The arrival of September has always embellished thoughts of a respite from the hot, long lasting Texas summer.  But to a deer hunter, it’s the advent of deer hunting season ushered in with time on their favorite piece of deer country, while enjoying some dove hunting as an added benefit.  The first day of dove season is a Texas legacy etched over time by thousands of sportsmen before us.

For young hunters, the first day of dove season generates a great deal of excitement, oftentimes making sleep the night before the opener difficult.  As I enter my golden years, I anticipate the opportunity to watch my grandkids as they exude the same enthusiasm I felt in my youth as they scan the sky for the most abundant game bird in the state.

Although shy of patience, youngsters compensate by dashing off for birds that their aunt Beth, my oldest daughter, and I may drop.  Actually, it’s a toss-up of what they enjoy most, shooting at doves in flight, or the mad dashes to recover downed birds.  Simply put, dove hunting is an excellent way to introduce youngsters to the sport of hunting as it revolves around family and friends.  The kids also get exposed to firearms and are taught how to safely handle them.  More importantly, they acquire a respect for not only the resource, but the challenge those birds represent.

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