About the December 2014 Cover
There is something special about hunting during the Christmas holidays. The memories become even more meaningful when it is shared with a youngster, paritculary his or her first hunt.
Calvin Carter’s “Morning Rush Hour” allows the viewer to “look in” on a special moment when a father and child are hunting ducks. One could almost hear the young hunters saying “Dad, Dad, Dad, look” as a flight of ducks wing by their position.
“Morning Rush Hour” earned the talented native Texas artist “Texas Ducks Unlimited Artist of the Year honors for 2014.
This Christmas holiday season it is hoped everyone can slow down from their normal rush and enjoy a “Morning Rush Hour” that is truly special.
For more information on “Morning Rush Hour” and other works of art by Calvin Carter visit www.calvincarterart, or call (409) 201-6685.