About the November 2015 Cover
The 2015-2016 whitetail deer season in Texas is always a much anticipated event. With several years of decent rainfall since the drought of 2011, and the abundance of rain in 2015 this year’s expectations of exceptional antler growth across the Lone Star State is at an all time high.
However, with the abundance of forbs, a good mast crop and cover, hunting these animals may be more difficult as the deer will not have to move nearly as much. This will be particularly true in the hardwood creek and river bottoms of East Texas.
Popular wildlife artist Dallen Lambsen’s “Hunkered Down” displays one of these grand monarchs as this heavy horned, drop-tined buck simply holds tight in a secluded hardwood bottom area of abundance. However, the one advantage hunters can anticipate is when these bucks are chasing doe during the rut which occurs in East Texas and other parts of Texas in November. Then the opportunity to harvest a buck of a lifetime exists.
For more information on “Hunkered Down” and other works of art by Dallen Lambson visit www.lambsonart.com, or call (208) 234-2422