About the November 2017 Cover

About the November 2017 Cover

This month’s cover art is entitled “Little Dynamo” by popular wildlife and sporting artist Lou Pasqua. He said his inspiration for this exciting painting came while quail hunting Texas’ Permian Basin near Midland.
“During the hunt pointers were used to find the coveys of bobwhite quail,” the hunting artist explained. “Once a covey of bobs was pointed, and hunters were in position, they would send in a Boykin Spaniel to flush the birds. The dog’s enthusiasm also became the origin of the title.”
Pasqua has built a reputation on painting a variety of upland bird and waterfowl hunting scenes featuring a variety of breeds of pointers and retrievers. This month’s cover art is further proof that our hunting techniques are only limited by our own imagination and resource.
For more information on “Little Dynamo” and other fine works of art by Lou Pasqua, visit www.loupasqua.com, email [email protected] or call (412) 782-4869.