About The November 2022 Cover
While an army of hunters pursues whitetail deer, legions of other hunters are scattered around the state in pursuit of a variety of waterfowl. In the flooded timber and backwater areas of lakes and sloughs wood ducks make a stealthy early morning entry to feeding and loafing areas.
Popular wildlife artist Michael Sieve has capture a scene many ducks hunters may have hunted entitled “Party Time — Wood Ducks.” A flooded flat of cypress trees and palmettos. The painting captures the bright colors of the woodies as the sunlight reflects off their feathers, the variety of direction in which they make their approach and numbers that can be attracted.
The interesting thing about wood ducks is they are usually the first to arrive using their ability to deftly maneuver through the woody canopy and sit down on shallow water flats. As the light increases bigger ducks like mallards will soon join their equally colorful “cousins.”
The Party Time, is also special for hunters. The action can be fast, surprising, challenging and rewarding.
“Party Time – Wood Ducks” by Michael Sieve is provided courtesy of the artist, Wild Wings and Art Brand Studios. For more information visit www.wildwings.com or call (800) 445-4833. All rights reserved. — Bill L. Olson
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