About the October 2021 Cover
The Texas Hill Country and Edwards Plateau is a special place filled with whitetail deer; springs, clear creeks and other live water, plus spectacular vistas of rugged country. In the fall add a nip of cooler weather plus colorful fall foliage and it becomes a magical place filled with love-struck game animals.
Even though the Brady Buck used to be the standard for big free-range whitetails, today the Hill Country offers an opportunity to see plenty of game. Improved game management plans that emphasizes smaller herd sizes to better exists with available forage can result in some impressive mature deer.
Popular wildlife, western and landscape artist Brian Grimm has captured one of those special Hill Country moments of a mature buck and two does in his “Points of Interest.” It is a bit ironic with all of the colorful pageantry of fall that encompasses this scene it is the mature buck’s antlers that are the points of interest or are maybe just one of several points of interest.
Those developed points are a tie to days of past glory and point to the future of what can be with good game management and harvest strategies. It holds the promise of even greater days ahead for the free-range whitetail deer herd in this part of the Lone Star State.
For more information on “Points of Interest,” other fine works of art or commissions by Brian Grimm, visit www.briangrimmart.com, email BrianGrimmArt@gmail.com or call (830) 456-6809. — Bill L. Olson