About the October 2023 Cover
It’s October and deer hunting is upon us. Bowhunters are in the field taking a stand in hopes that Senor Muy Grande walks out into an open shooting lane or sendero.
Rifle hunters are afield taking care of final preparations for the general season opener in early November. For either group an encounter with a buck and some doe will certainly increase one’s heart rate.
This month, bucks are establishing territories with pre-rut rituals underway. Some parts of Texas see the peak of the rut occurring in late October.
Popular Texas artist Brian Grimm’s “Rio Seco Rise,” this month’ cover art has captured the elements deer and deer hunters experience. The buck and doe are on alert. Notice their ear positions and how collectively the three whitetails are listening for activity in the brush in advance of the preliminary period before the breeding begins.
For hunters the fun part is October represents just the start of the whitetail deer season that will continue into late January 2024. Hunters have been awaiting this time and it has finally arrived.
For more information on “Rio Seco Rise,” availability of a giclee or to inquire about other fine works of art or commissions by Brian Grimm, visit www.briangrimmart.com, email [email protected] or call (830) 456-6809. — Bill L. Olson
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