August Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Meeting to Be Held Online
AUSTIN – With ongoing public health concerns continuing across the state, the August meeting of the Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPW) Commission scheduled for August 26-27 will be streamed virtually on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s website.
The meeting will start at 9:30 a.m. CDT on both Wednesday and Thursday. Anyone can listen to the live broadcast either via computer with a reliable internet connection capable of streaming audio, or by phoning in toll-free. The agenda for the Commission meeting, the latest updates, streaming event access and public testimony instructions can be found on the TPWD website. The toll-free phone number to call for live meeting audio will be provided there the day of the meeting.
Public comment for action items will be heard on Thursday. Anyone can read regulations proposals and make comments about them online before the meeting on the TPWD website public comment page. Those wishing to address the Commission must submit a registration form no later than noon CDT Wednesday, August 26.