Fall Is In The Air

Fall Is In The Air

There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic and embrace the plethora of fishing opportunities on Texas lower coast.

Story and Photography By Danno Wise

Fall is in the air. There’s really no doubt about it. Even way down on the Texas/Mexico border, the air takes on a different smell, a different feeling as fall descends.

For many inshore anglers along the extreme Lower Texas Coast, it means it’s time to chase brutish tarpon and spectacular snook, as well as speckled trout, redfish, flounder, mangrove snapper and barracuda. With fall’s cooler temperatures, every species of inshore fish in the Lower Laguna Madre is friskier. For that matter, fishermen are, too, as fall seems to make everyone optimistic.

And, the numbers of reasons to be optimistic and embrace the coming of fall along the Texas coast are many.

It all starts with the weather. October’s cooling weather makes fish more active and makes fishing more comfortable for fishermen. When fish are comfortable, they are more aggressive. Aggressive fish are easier to catch and can be caught on a wider variety of lures and baits. Plus, aggressive, hard striking fish are easier to hook. All of these things get anglers excited about autumn. And, cooler temperatures mean angler can fish longer with less fatigue, giving them more opportunities, and allowing them to be more precise in their presentations, retrieves and hook sets.


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