On-Top Angling Options
Regardless the coastal water being fished topwaters are an exciting and productive way to target big fall specks and reds.
Story and photography by Danno Wise
Most inshore anglers would agree – there is no more exciting way to catch speckled trout and redfish in Texas bays than throwing surface baits. Topwaters lures are also one of the more effective ways to target trophy trout and upper slot reds in inshore waters. While these offerings can produce results year around, some seasons are clearly more conducive to topwater fishing than others. That said, autumn is perhaps the best time of year for a combination of consistent action and big fish up top.
There are a variety of reasons for this. To begin with, fall means cooler water. Therefore, fish will spend more time in shallower water and will be feeding much more aggressively.
Another reason for this is the vast amount of bait found in Texas bays this time of year. Shrimp will be migrating through the bays to the Gulf – and much of their time will be spend skipping across the surface. Additionally, masses of mullet are moving out as well, swimming across or just beneath the surface as they go.
So again, autumn is a perfect time for topwaters. But while everyone has their favorite lures and retrieves, there are actually many more ways to fish on surface than many coastal angler anglers realize…
When you hear fishermen speak of topwaters they almost always refer as if there is a singular version and only one way to work it. In reality, there are a variety of lures that can be worked along the water’s surface and those baits can be worked in a variety of different ways. Today when inshore anglers hear “topwaters” they inevitably think of dog-walking plugs.
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