2016 Texas Statewide Hunting Forecast
Annual Forecast of Whitetail, Mule Deer, Pronghorn, Quail and other Game Animals with the latest from-the-field information.
Story by Bill L. Olson
Texas hunters and wildlife biologists could collectively get use to the excellent conditions that have once again occurred over the Lone Star State. When it comes to whitetail deer about the only negative mentioned was the linger, though diminishing impact of the drought of 2011.
With ample rainfall that provided good nesting cover both species of quail as well as turkey seemed to have done well statewide. While the numbers are not quite to the levels of the “golden years” of the late ‘60s, and ‘70s the good thing is that quail numbers are on the rise as opposed to declining.
With the abundant rains there comes the benefits as well as the challenges. Waterfowl will have plenty of places to roost and feed this winter. Therein lies the potential problem that even if a really cold winter pushes lots of birds into Texas they may be a bit more scattered.
Other species indigenous to specific portions of the state have also fair well. The best way to understand the dynamics of the upcoming hunting season is the latest reports from all eight Texas Parks & Wildlife District leaders.