ABC’s of Jigging the Jetties
There are speckled trout and reds hanging around those rocks, and here’s how to go after them.
Story and photography by Robert Sloan
One thing that is certain along the Texas coast is that the jetties attract lots of reds and trout, and when it comes to catching those fish nothing is better than soft plastic jigs. That’s a fact. Sure shrimp and croaker will work along the rocks, but day in and day out some sort of jig is going to put fish in the box and for a lot less money.
I’ve been fishing the Sabine jetties for over 22 years. That’s about the only set of jetties on the Texas coast that doesn’t have some sort of nearby marina that sells live shrimp. Because of that lack of live bait 99 percent of the time anglers fishing the Sabine jetties will be using some sort of soft plastic jig.