About the April 2018 Cover

About the April 2018 Cover

When it comes to April most Texans think of beautiful colored fields of bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, Indian blankets and other wildflowers with additional sounds and sights of gobbling and strutting turkey. That remains true today, however there has been more than a few turkey hunters surprised when a bobcat jumps in having been attracted by the yelps and purrs.
Wildlife biologist, conservationist and popular artist Chuck Black has captured one of these beautiful, stealthy predators in his “Always Watching.” Bobcats certainly prey on turkey, quail and other ground nesting birds. They are also a fun, challenging animal to hunt.
Hunters need to remember that predator control is an important part of any successful game management plan. When it comes to bobcats you can be assured they are “always watcing.”
For more information on “Always Watching” and other fine works of art by Chuck Black, visit www.wildlifeandart.com, email [email protected] or follow on Facebook.