About the August 2024 Cover

About the August 2024 Cover

Distinguished artist Persis Clayton Weirs paintings have been displayed throughout eastern and mid-west states at some of the most prestigious shows held.  The self-taught painter found inspiration and reference material of wildlife in woodlands and along shorelines near her Maine home.  As a child, her father taught his children how to identify and appreciate the characteristics and beauty of the animals and their surrounding habitat.

Persis received a number of awards including the “Sportsman’s Award” at the Wildlife Art Show in Augusta, Maine and “Best of Show” at the the 1991 Downeast Wildlife Art Show.  In 1992, she claimed her first duck stamp by winning the Maine duck stamp competition.

The talent artist pasted away after a brief illness in 2016 at the age of 74.  However, her creative talent and art continues to be enjoyed by collectors.  It is the way so many talented artists legacies are preserve.

This month’s cover art is entitled “Dream Team – Summer’s End,” and is one of several pieces that make up her “Dream Team” series.  It depicts a bachelor group of five whitetail bucks that have probably spent the summer together.  As temperatures begin to cool, antlers have hardened, and testosterone levels on the rise, the competition amongst the five will increase as a “pecking order” will be established.

This scenario is repeated and observed wherever whitetail deer roam.  It is a rite of passage of summer in Maine just as it is in the Lone Star State plus in other whitetail states.  It is the preceding phase to an even more exciting time for deer that will follow – the rut  It provides a seasonal glimpse of the annual whitetail cycle to those passionate about whitetail deer, their habitat and conservation.

“Dream Team – Summer’s End,” is provided courtesy of the artist, Wild Wings and Art Brand Studios.  For more information or to see other works of art by Persis Clayton Weirs visit www.wildwings.com or call (800) 445-4833. All rights reserved. — Bill L. Olson

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