Alternate Benefits to Hunting

Alternate Benefits to Hunting

Sportsmen hunt to take an animal, but a shot doesn’t have to occur to enjoy the hunt.
Story and Photography by Bob Zaiglin

Hunting to many Texas deer hunters is simply the challenge to outwit their prey, often taking much preparation, which includes acquiring knowledge about the animal being pursued. And when it all comes together and that particular buck is down, a grand sense of achievement is realized.
It’s truly a rewarding feeling when successful at taking a buck of huge proportions, but there are many other benefits to the pursuit of game that I refer to as the holistic experience. To some it’s the mouth-watering smell of doves on the pit following a successful hunt with family and friends.
To others it’s the thunderous sound of a covey rise on a chilly November morning, or the excitement on a youngster’s face on the first day of deer hunting season.
The benefits of hunting are many, and additional ones are only a plane ride away. Today’s sportsmen are mobile, living out their dream hunts across the globe in search of unique species in sometime inhospitable terrain. This only magnifies the sense of accomplishment, not to mention the opportunity to dine on incredibly tasty cuisine.

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