Deep Water on the Horizon

Deep Water on the Horizon

Top Pros tell how to target deep-water structure and catch more fish this summer.
Story and Photography by Nate Skinner

Summertime in Texas means one thing — it’s going to be hot. During this season of extreme warm temperatures, many coastal fish species will seek refuge in the deepest water they can find.
On upper coast estuaries where open waters and extensive channels are the norm, this can equate to depths of 20 feet or more. With that much water to cover anglers must know what to look for, understand the most effective approach, and employ productive strategies in order to be successful.
Some of the most valuable knowledge I have ever gained on the subject of targeting deep water has come from fishing just across the Texas-Louisiana border on Calcasieu Lake. Often referred to as Big Lake, the estuary encompasses many of the same characteristics as bays along Texas’ upper coast. These include deep channels and bayous, a pass lined with rock jetties, mid bay reefs, and a laundry list of other deep-water structures.
One of the top pros on Calcaiseu Lake, especially when it comes to finding trout and reds in significant depths, is Captain Nick Poe of Big Lake Guide Service. Some of Poe’s favorite summertime fishing grounds lie along the Calcasieu ship channel where he will focus his efforts in depths of 6-30 feet of water or more.

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