Displaced Wildlife May be Found in Unlikely Places as Flooding Recedes

Displaced Wildlife May be Found in Unlikely Places as Flooding Recedes

Caution Urged When Removing Debris

AUSTIN — As flood waters begin to recede across much of Central and East Texas, property owners may encounter wildlife in unexpected places. Floods can temporarily displace wildlife like snakes, armadillos, skunks and raccoons into some people’s yards and houses as they seek cover or higher ground.

Common sense precautions should be practiced; be aware that snakes and other animals may seek shelter in debris piles and caution should be used during cleanup efforts.

Regardless of weather conditions, various species of wildlife have been known to have encounters with people year-round across the state, but areas impacted by recent floods could see an increased wildlife presence.

Coincidentally, these storms coincided with the time of year when newborn wildlife start showing up on the landscape. The compulsion to help or investigate an animal that looks abandoned can be overwhelming, but interference could harm its chances of survival. While most of these animals are picked up by well-meaning people, it is important to realize that many such human-animal encounters are unnecessary and can even be detrimental to the wildlife concerned.

While emergency rescue operations are active, wildlife experts are urging the public to focus on helping people and reporting dangerous conditions of our neighborhoods rather than reporting displaced wildlife. Dispatch teams and hotlines are being used to coordinate emergency first responders. Wildlife, in the meantime, are equipped by nature to take care of themselves in most situations.

Tips and precautions about encounters with wildlife are available on the following webpages:

Orphaned or injured wildlife and Snake Safety.