Hunter Getting Antsy for Fall

Hunter Getting Antsy for Fall

Story by Bill L. Olson

The calendar says June, but the anticipation has one thinking of fall when temperatures are cooling and hunting seasons are opening in Texas as well as across the country.  It doesn’t matter what hunting discipline is going to be used, time is fleeting, and procrastination will result in preparation frustrations, or even worse if later in the field an emergency arises and needed gear is not at hand.

Here are a few pre-hunt preparation suggestions with many that should already be underway or started now.

Packs & Gear

Most hunters have a collection of various of packs.  From daypacks to sturdy packs with external frames for packing out loads or meat or quarters from big game animals.  Depending upon the hunts posted on the calendar select an appropriate pack for a specific hunt.  It is going to carry all the gear for convenience as well as an emergency.  Use stuff sacks to help organize items that will be moved from one pack to another for different hunts.

Water purification, fire starting, tarp/shelter, dehydrated food, headlamp, first aid kit, and communication items are just a start.  Take some time and give each item proper thought and consideration before putting it in the pack.  Keep a running total of the weight of the total pack.  Those items add up.

Gear or date stamped items from last season needs to be checked, updated, and replaced.  This is especially true for personal prescriptions and over-the-counter meds.

Ditto on food items.  Even with extended “use by” dates, freshly acquired food just seems to taste better.  Plus, those food items being replaced provide an opportunity to try them out.  Those that are less than pleasing to the palate can be replaced with a proven item or at least another option.

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