Lots for hunters to do this month including repairs, food plots, scouting, and of course hunting.
Story and Photography by Bob Zaiglin

No matter where you live, if you enjoy hunting, September is a very exciting month. In Texas on September 1 over 300,000 scatter gunners enjoy the first day of dove season, which remains one of the most highly anticipated hunting events of the year. Falling on a Thursday this year means the Labor Day weekend and opportunities for dove hunters are extended to an “extra long five day weekend.” September is just downright fun, even if temperatures dangle precariously around the century mark.
For those interested in escaping the heat, they will venture north to places like Watson Lake, Yellow Knife, or many other renowned jumping off points in search of Dall and stone sheep in some of the most inhospitable yet beautiful terrain on the planet. Even serious trout fishermen know it’s time to venture north to the larger rivers like the upper Madison to fish for brown trout too heavy to hold. Yes, September represents a lot of things to a lot of folks, but for the serious Texas deer hunter, it’s the advent of another deer hunting season, pursuing not only a trophy-racked buck but some highly palatable venison.
But in order to be successful, one must be prepared, and September provides an ample number of excuses to spend time on the ranch or lease.
The first thing that requires attention is the camp, should one exist; after all, if it’s your home away from home, you certainly want it to be functional and safe, void of small wild occupants, and clean, should your wife or daughters decide to join you over the holidays.

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