TPWD Adds Second Public Hearing in Corpus Christi on Proposing Seatrout Bag Limit Change
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has slated two public hearings for Corpus Christi to gather comment on proposed fishing and hunting regulation changes. TPWD staff presented proposed amendments to the 2014-15 Statewide Recreational and Commercial Fishing Proclamation to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. The recommended changes to saltwater fishing include:
- Oyster harvest: Temporary 2-year closure of a 54-acre oyster restoration site on Half-Moon reef in Matagorda Bay, and a 2-year temporary closure of seven restoration sites located in East Galveston Bay.
- Flounder: Extension of the November 2-fish bag limit through the first 2 weeks of December, and during those two weeks harvest would be allowed by any legal means.
- Spotted Seatrout: Extension of the 5-fish bag and possession limit up the coast through East Matagorda Bay with a five-year sunset date.
Public hearings in Corpus Christi are scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19 at Texas A&M University CC Natural Resources Center, Room 1003 at 6300 Ocean Drive and on Thursday, March 20 at Del Mar College Center for Economic Development, Room 106 at 3209 Staples Street.
Additional proposals related to freshwater fishing and hunting will also be discussed at these public hearings and others scheduled around the state. A complete summary of all proposed changes to hunting and fishing regulations can be found in the Feb. 21 edition of the Texas Register and on the TPWD website.
Comments on the proposed rules may be submitted by phone or e-mail to Robert Macdonald (512) 389-4775; e-mail:[email protected].