2013 Statewide Hunting Forecast
TOJ’s Annual Forecast of Whitetail, Mule Deer, Pronghorn, Quail and other Game Animals along with the latest from-the-field information.
Story by Bill L. Olson, Photography by John Frankson
Heading into another hunting season several things stand out. First everyone continues to point to the devastating drought of 2011 as a benchmark from which every game specie struggles to recover.
Second, conditions across Texas are spotty. Some areas got a lot of rain, while just a few miles away the neighboring property didn’t get anything.
Another factor to consider, particularly for whitetail deer is how successful were past year’s fawn crops? Texas Parks & Wildlife Whitetail Deer Program Leader Allen Cain reminds hunters that a decent fawn crop occurred in 2005, 2007, and 2010. That could mean some older age class bucks remain, and a decent number of 3 ½ year old deer will be observed.