Conservation Agencies, Bass Clubs, and Local Youth Increase Fish Habitat in Coleto Creek Reservoir
VICTORIA – The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Corpus Christi Inland Fisheries team partnered with the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA), Texas B.A.S.S. Nation, Coleto BassMasters Friends of Reservoirs (FOR) chapter, and several youths from St. Joseph’s High School to complete Phase 2 (native aquatic vegetation planting) of a greater habitat initiative to restore and enhance fisheries habitats in the reservoir.
The overarching goal of the project is to improve habitat conditions resulting in positive impacts on recreationally important sport fish populations like Largemouth Bass, crappies, and catfishes.
Phase 1, completed in early 2020, deployed 92 fish habitat structures across 11 locations that can be viewed with an online map. The website also includes the coordinates of each structure and anglers can enter these coordinates into their GPS or download the coordinates for use in GPS devices.
Phase 2 followed with the planting of various desirable native vegetation species at numerous pre-determined locations with hopes to reestablish and increase the abundance of native plants throughout the reservoir.
“We are grateful for the collaborative efforts with GBRA, local anglers, Luminant, and St. Joseph’s High School to work collectively on this very important project,” said Greg Binion, TPWD Inland Fisheries Division Corpus Christi District Supervisor. “This is a great community initiative and the partnerships that have developed provide an exciting opportunity for collective natural resource stewardship to restore and enhance this great resource, expand fishing opportunities, and better the quality of fisheries for Texans.”
The Coleto Creek Bassmasters participated in both phases of the project and provided some of the volunteer labor necessary to complete this project.
“We want to do what we can to make fishing better for all anglers at Coleto Creek Reservoir,” said Larry Nors, South Region Director of the Texas B.A.S.S. Nation. “Many people might not realize that the Texas B.A.S.S. Nation has a strong conservation program. Our affiliated bass clubs, from across the state, are eager to join forces with like-minded partners, and assist on projects that benefit freshwater fishing.”
The Coleto Creek Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Project is being supported by TPWD’s Conservation License Plate (CLP) Program as well as both cash and in-kind contributions from various project partners, including TPWD and GBRA. The CLP, mainly from the sales of the Largemouth Bass conservation license plate, supports projects to restore and enhance fish habitat in Texas’ public inland waters.
For more information on the CLP program or anyone interested in purchasing a plate to support fish habitat or other conservation projects, please visit the Conservation License Plate website.
For additional information on the Coleto Creek Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Project, please contact:
Greg Binion
TPWD Inland Fisheries Division
Corpus Christi District
PO Box 116
Mathis, TX 78368
[email protected]