Hunting’s “Second Half”

Hunting’s “Second Half”

Story by Bill L. Olson

The 12th month of the year means the second half, second split, or final days to hunt a variety of game is at hand.  While some seasons continue on into the New Year the closing days offer plenty of days that many times present even better conditions.  The second part of the season often results in game pattern changes not available when the season began.

Whitetail deer hunting began back on September 30 when archery hunters or those hunting on land managed under a MLD Permit took to the field.  The general season in North Texas continues until January 7 and in the South Zone until January 21.

Though most of Texas will have seen the peak of its rut, whitetail bucks will continue to pursue, and breed does not previously breed or yearling doe coming into their first estrus cycle.  In South Texas the peak of the rut occurs around the middle of December.  That means big Brush County bucks throw caution to the wind in their pursuit of a receptive doe.

Other regions offers an opportunity to take a buck until the season closes so long as changing weather, and game activity are addressed.  Sometimes this means adjusting where, when and how you hunt.  The best advice is to hunt long and spend as much time in the blind or afield as possible.

Hunter taking to the field late in the season could also take “bonus” free-range animal like hogs, axis deer and other exotics.  Not only is there a chance to add a special trophy and meat for the freezer, but there is a benefit to the rangeland by removing another mouth to feed.

Hogs and axis deer are both drawn to water.  There they have an impact to the vegetation around the water source, damage banks and adjacent ground that can contribute to erosion and push native game away from using these areas.

With cooler temperatures expect hogs to be more active throughout the day.  Continue to look for them around water resources with specific attention early and late.

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