TPWD Sets Federal Red Snapper Season for 2019
AUSTIN- The private recreational angler red snapper season opens Saturday, June 1, 2019 for a projected 97-days in federal waters. Red snapper fishing is open year around in state waters. The season length is based on historical landing data, last year’s fishing effort data and the increase in the state’s allocation from the 2018 stock assessment. Bag and size limits will remain unchanged; 2 fish per person daily with a 16-inch minimum size limit in federal waters, and 4 fish per person daily with a 15-inch minimum in state waters.
Under an agreement between the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) that was signed in April 2018, TPWD can establish the opening and closing of the red snapper fishery in federal waters off the Texas coast for private recreational anglers fishing from their own vessels in 2019. When deciding the opening of the 2019 season, TPWD gathered input from public through an online comment portal and public meetings on the coast.
The federally permitted for-hire sector, which allows recreational anglers to fish from charter boats or headboats, will remain in its current management structure set by the federal government.
As part of this agreement, also known as an Exempted Fishing Permit, Texas must close the fishery when the state’s allotted poundage is reached. The red snapper season can also be closed in Texas if the Gulf-wide Total Allowable Catch is exceeded. TPWD’s Coastal Fisheries Division will be closely monitoring this fishery throughout the season and will close it when appropriate. The public will be notified of the any closings through TPWD’s website, social media accounts and news releases.
Help TPWD better manage this resource by downloading the iSnapper app on your smart phone and reporting your red snapper landings.