About the June 2016 Cover
June is arguably the best month to fish, particularly along Texas’ coast. The catching is “easy” with limits the norm and some trophies along the way.
Popular Texas artist Calvin Carter’s “Delightful Ending” seems to depict one of those days in June. Buddies go fishing and everyone is hooked up. The action can be almost non-stop or until exhausted arms ache from catching, keeping a few to eat and releasing so many more fish.
June is the month when bass anglers turn salty, novice fishermen look like pros and everything in the tackle box becomes a go-to bait. As a bonus add the early and late colorful spectacle in the sky and you just know God is smiling on the Lone Star State once again.
For more information on “Delightful Ending” and other available art by Calvin Carter please visit www.calvincarterart.com, call (409)-201-6685 or email mcalvincarter@yahoo.com.