Editor's Insight

Editor’s Insight

Thankful For All Y’All

November is the month of Thanksgiving and that thankfulness encompasses so many aspects of life and the relationships we cherish. For those of us that enjoy the outdoors it seems the level of celebration is raised even higher this time of year.
This fortuitous lifestyle we so cherish begins with the people that introduced us to hunting and/or fishing. It could well be a parent, sibling, other relative or friend. Whoever planted the seeds of our outdoor pursuits provided the Genesis of a time-honored culture we enjoy, and will reminisce when the days of participation have past.
Over time there are friends that share skill sets, stimulate a friendly challenge in our quest for more knowledge and improved abilities, and are our companions we share special times afield or on the water. This sets a precedent to learn more as well as pass on individual knowledge each has obtained.
There are those drawn together for a common purpose or in support of a particular game specie. It is another way of giving back and assuring opportunities will always remain for those traveling along similar paths we have already trod.
There is so much I am personally thankful in all of these areas and more. This includes a career I would have never dreamed, opportunities to be exposed to all God has created each time I venture outdoors as well as being surrounded by like-minded casual acquaintances as well as valued peers.
The outdoors is a place of solitude and a place we experience at different times only to share similar encounters later on. Many times it has been with many of you at outdoor shows, on telephone calls or chance encounters where we exchange accounts of our experiences, successes and laugh at near misses. It is how we collectively learn from one another and individually grow as mentors.
I have long acknowledged how thankful I am for my outdoors career that began long before ever becoming a part of this dynamic industry. The old saying of “no man is an island” has never been truer than in the out of doors arena. No one knows it all and there is always room to obtain additional knowledge and growth.
Looking back over 30 plus years, I have been influenced by many knowledgeable hunters and anglers. That became even more prominent when TEXAS OUTDOORS JOURNAL was conceived with the October 1992 issue. Many of Team TOJ whose articles still appear in our monthly pages were also there at or near the beginning. There have been those that have come along that embrace our culture and there have certainly been some that have drifted away for a variety or reasons. The key point is those that remain have continued to excel and constantly strive to improve on the information that is provided. It is what makes this Team the Best.
Yes this month is the time set aside to reflect, rejoice and give thanks for all that has been bestowed upon each of us. For me it is a lifetime of being exposed too more and more of the outdoors, continued growth in a variety of disciplines, and being surrounded by like-minded people.
In short that is all y’all. Whether we or not we have ever met in person we are a special group because we share a like passion.
Throughout this month and beyond I encourage each of you to not only continue your personal growth, but also share with others your knowledge and experiences. Sharing is another great way to grow and provides another reason to be thankful.

Until next month: Pursue all of your outdoor activities in a safe and ethical manner.